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State Council Gazette Issue No.9 Serial No.1008 (March 30, 2001)

Updated: Mar 30,2001 4:20 PM


  ·Promoting Technological Innovations and Bringing Up Outstanding Talents

  —Remarks at the National Awards Ceremony for Science and Technology —— Premier Zhu Rongji

  ·Decision of the State Council on Awards for Science and Technology in 2000

  ·Circular of General Office of the State Council on Transmission of the Report of the National Audit Office on the Situation of Auditing the Funds Used in Highway Construction

  —Report on Auditing the Funds Used in Highway Construction

  ·Circular of the State Council on Transmission of the Proposals of the Ministry of Education for Implementation of the Projects on Transformation of Dilapidated Buildings of Primary and Middle Schools

  —Proposals for Implementation of the Projects on Transformation of Dilapidated Buildings of Primary and Middle Schools

  ·Remarks of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on February 27,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on February 27,2001

  ·Decree No.4 of the State Development Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Temporary Methods for Publication of Public Bidding Announcements

  ·Circular of the State Planning Commission on Further Checking the Actions of Collecting Fees Arbitrarily in the Construction and Upgrading of Rural Power Networks

  ·Circular of the State Planning Commission on Assigning Media to Publish Projects that Must Invite Bids According to Concerned Laws and Regulations

  ·Decree No. 19 of the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Managerial Regulations Concerning Registration of Dangerous Chemicals

  ·Decree No.53 of the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China

  —Interior Service Regulations of the People’s Police of Public Security Organs

  ·Circular on Reduction of Consumption Taxes on Low-Exhaust Cars —— Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration

  ·Circular on Calling Off Charge Items Involving Peasants’ Burden in the Rural Tax-Fee Reform Experimental Spots —— Ministry of Finance, State Planning Commission and Ministry of Agriculture

  ·Circular of Issuing “Proposals on Implementation of Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System at the Institutions of Higher Learning” —— Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, Ministry of Personnel and Ministry of Education

  —Proposals on Implementation of Deepening Reform of Personnel System of Institutions of Higher Learning

  ·Decree No.6 of the Ministry of Communications of the People’s Republic of China in 2000

  —Regulations Concerning Highway Construction Market Access

  ·Circular on Strengthening the Work of Farm Chemicals Administrative Law-Enforcement —— Ministry of Agriculture

  ·Circulation on Further Strengthening Protection of Capital Farmlands —— Ministry of Agriculture

  ·Circular of Ministry of Health on Issuance of “Hygiene Standards on Enterprises Producing Sterilized Products”

  —Hygiene Standards on Enterprises Producing Sterilized Products

  ·Circular on Further Strengthening the Management of Magazines and Periodicals Related to Current Events, Political Affairs, Cultural Life, Information, Digest and Research Papers —— Press and Publication Administration

  ·Circular on Issuance of “Procedures of Application for Establishment of Futures Broking Companies and Their Business Departments” —— China Securities Regulatory Commission

  —Procedures of Application for Establishment of Futures Broking Companies and Their Business Departments

  ·Circular on Standardizing Behaviors of Major Purchases and Sales of Capital Funds of Listed Companies —— China Securities Regulatory Commission